Blunt Wrap Comparison

Best Blunt Wraps on the Market

Of all the Blunt Wraps on the market today we feel we have the Best Blunt Wraps out there. Let’s go over the qualities our wraps have and then discuss & compare them to the other types on the market

Jungle blunts waterfall backdrop Best Blunt Wraps

Qualities of Jungle Blunts

Comparison Results

jungle blunts comparison chart
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Taste – While flavored wraps do have a taste, they are given that taste by chemicals that are harmful to you. Jungle Blunts have a mild flavor, that combines with your herbs. We understand that taste is a matter of individual preference but during our trials, we found a high percentage of people really liked the flavor of our Jungle Blunts.

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Burn Rate – Our wraps burn super slow compared to other wraps, especially Vegetable Wraps. Packed properly, one 5″ cone burns for around 1hr or longer.

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No Chemicals – Jungle Blunts and Vegetable Wraps have No Chemicals, while the Tobacco, Paper Wraps, and Flavored Wraps do. Jungle Blunts are Tobacco-Free, and Lab Tested.

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Lab Tested Blunt Wraps – We recently had our leaves tested by Clips Labs for Pesticides, Solvents, Mycotoxins, Microbials, and Heavy Metals. We passed in all categories. View the Lab Test Results.

From the qualities we have charted, you can see why we feel we have the best wraps on the market. All Natural, No Chemicals, Enhancing Qualities, Smooth Taste, Slow Burn, and Mild Aroma.